Halloween ideas

>Work in an office where a Halloween costume is not appropriate but still want to go incognito for a few minutes? We’ve got some great ideas for you!

Start by sporting a Fingerstash, no one will notice unless you want them to. Willing to go a little bit further? Then slap on one of the 6 styles of Notable Moustaches, or switch them up as the day goes on.
More discreet? Just hold up your iPhone covered with an Ear-ronic.
Need a costume for dinner? Keep the Handle Bar Corkscrew in your pocket.
Even Buster can get in on the act with the Humungastashe.
Finally, if all else fails, just hold up a Pick-Your-Nose cup all day!
Now, should you be invited to a full-on costume party, thank your host with one of our ghoulish-themed hostess gifts:

A set of Suckeys vampire key covers
What could be more ghoulish than Brain Freeze ice molds?
Or bake up a batch of Gingerdead men and bring them with you.
Dead Fred and Hanging Harry always make a good pair.
Make bone chilling cocktails with the Bone Chillers
And finally, the Ouch Voodoo toothpick holder.
Happy Halloween!
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10/10/10 it’s the Snodversary Sale!

>It’s pretty easy: 10 years = 10 % off everything in the store AND 10 different items at 10$ each.

Sales on from October 24th to the 31st in store and online.
To benefit online, use coupon code snod10 at checkout.

For the list of the daily 10, please click on Specials on our site.

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Top 10 Funny moments in Snod-History

>We have a lot of fun at work. Whether it’s Manager Dee picking her daily lunch and turning it into a Twitter hashtag (#wwdet) or Owner Jay sending out emails of ridiculous products we could never carry in the store, we laugh a lot at work. But in 10 years, there have been some moments that were funnier than others….

10: Igloolik: It’s a real place, in northern Canada, and back in 2005, at the very first Snod-Holiday party, we shipped a set of Cool Shooters to someone in Igloolik. For some reason, this made us laugh out loud during the entire night and lead us to Google-map it the next day, only to find nothing but a frozen white map. (OK, maybe you had to be there for that one)

9: Once, a customer we’ll call Barry, called the store after he left to nicely ask Snod-gal Nat to meet him at his hotel. He assured her he wasn’t married. She declined.

8: Snod-ka! Turns out, our staff likes to party, and drink. And they invented a drink called the Snod-ka. But it’s been a few years, and no one quite remembers the recipe….

7: The Flood of 2007, aka the time Manager Dee stepped out for one minute and came back to find Snod-Y had somehow managed to crack a large water jug for the filter and was standing ankle-deep in water.

6: It’s not rare to get a call at home from an employee saying they forgot their key and can’t open the store, but the all time funniest key story has to be the time Snod-Jess locked herself *IN* the store, but was too embarrassed to call us so she had the landlord come get her out. We still don’t understand how that happened.

5: Customers are always convinced we are A) a chain B) in another city. But the all-time most stubborn customer was the guy who told his friend we were a chain from Sweden and wouldn’t back down, even when  Manager Dee assured him she knew the owners, had keys to our house and knew Mortimer Snodgrass the dog personally. Still, he was convinced we were a chain from Sweden.

4: presented without comment:

3: A lady walked into the St-Lambert store and handed me her small dog, apologizing for being late for her grooming appointment. I was confused, and told her the groomer used to be next door but had been closed for several months. She then spent a good 10 minutes arguing with me, the owner of the store, that in fact we did grooming, that she always groomed her dog there, and demanded that I give her the name and number of the owner. I kind of wished she would have called.

2: A few years back, we had a rather rowdy holiday party (wait, I see a theme here) and Jay bowed out early, leaving the Snod-girls to enjoy themselves. But when it came time to pay the small food but rather large bar tab, for some reason, all the credit cards got declined. I’m not sure who was more nervous: me or the restaurant owner! (it was a computer glitch, we paid, no worries!)

1: On the night of the opening party for the St-Paul location, we held a little gathering for friends and family. Half an hour after we left, late late at night, the alarm company called to say that the alarm went off on the back door. Jay was still in the car, driving Snod-Jenna home. They turned around and came back. And released a couple trapped in the courtyard behind the store. Apparently, they had been having a little bit of *private* time in the alley during the party!

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>Top Ten Best Snod-products

>In our minds, the best seller of all times has to be the Cool Shooters. Whenever we look at orders, piles, boxes, it’s the one that stands out. But an hour on the abacus this morning told us we were …. WRONG! It’s actually the #4! Here are the top 10 Best Sellers since we have been keeping records (which means since we switched from our trusty cash-register to a computer, circa year 2!)

  • #10 Cool Jazz a respectable number 10, with 1100 units sold.
  • #9  Bobino, 1200 cords wrapped around these little wrappers
  • #8 Chopstick Kids Boys and Girls love em! almost 1400!
  • #7 PoopEase (yes, we have sold almost 1500 poop bags!)
  • #6 Keyshirts – an item we no longer carry, because we found so many other key covers!
  • #5 Gourmet Getaways from Built NY with 1900 sold, that is a LOT of lunches being stylishly carried!
  • #4 Cool Shooters (2000 sold…. that is A LOT of people drinking!)
  • #3 Driin phone holders (I guess with 6 colors, it makes sense it reached 2500 units!)
  • #2 Envirosax Reusable Bags – Almost 6000 sold and we have carried 91 patterns!!!
  • #1 – the best sellers of all times, the funny and snarky Ephemera magnets. Almost 10,000 sold!
And while we are crunching numbers, we’d like to give an Honorable Mention to these other favorites: who came close to making it:
  • Vacu Vin Party People are just under 1000
  • Our original selection and all time favorite baby gift, the Baby Wrapper, 775!!!
  • An amazing 750 people thought Holy Toast was funny
  • There are 725 people traveling with LUG travel pillows 
  • Over 550 moms and dads are carrying Skip Hop Prontos purchased from us
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>A look back at the first store

>When we look around today, very few of our original products are still in store. We have gone from kitshy/country/shabby-chic to funky/design/snarky. Our motto is still the same though: Unique, Useful, Unusual.

Here are a couple of pictures of the first week on Monkland, in October 2001:

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